Established in 1898
"The Society has shifted with the times, has been alert to the complexities facing the fruit industry, and has been effective voice for all in advancing and protecting the vital interests of this industry." - Arthur H. Thompson, The First Ninety Years History of the Maryland State Horticultural Society

Maryland Horticulturists Who Were in Attendance At The Fifth Annual Meeting. Reproduced from: Report of the Maryland State Horticultural Society, Volume 5, 1902
The Maryland State Horticultural Society was established in 1898.
If you would like to know more about the beginning of MSHS - click on The First Ninety Years History of the Maryland State Horticultural Society by Arthur H. Thompson.
This publication is available to read online by using your computer, mobile device or tablet. This reading platform is called Issuu, it will allow users to "flip" through the publication. No account is required. Also a pdf file is available as well.

MSHS Recieves Citation from Maryland Department of Agriculture

MDA Secretary, Joe Bartenfelder presents citation to Maryland State Horticultural Society President, Wade Butler. Photo Credit: Susan Barnes
Maryland Department of Agriculture Secretary, Joe Bartenfelder presented a citation to the Maryland State Horticultural Society (MSHS) on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 while attending the 2016 MSHS Summer Tour. The Citation reads "In recognition of its 118 years of linking Maryland fruit growers with cutting edge research and education for the betterment of production. The Maryland Department of Agriculture commends you for your commitment to agriculture in our great state."