Established in 1898
"The Society has shifted with the times, has been alert to the complexities facing the fruit industry, and has been effective voice for all in advancing and protecting the vital interests of this industry." - Arthur H. Thompson, The First Ninety Years History of the Maryland State Horticultural Society
The benefits of becoming a member of the Maryland State Horticultural Society are:
Networking with other Maryland producers
Membership dues collected are used to promote much needed research for production problems facing commercial growers and for educational programing.
Receive the Horticultural Technology Newsletter which is a yearly publication that is released in December. It contains articles on recent research and a special section (program & registration) on the Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention that takes place in Hershey, PA.
Reduced fees for the Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention and Summer Tour.
Membersip year runs from January 1st to December 31st. Membership dues are collected during the registration process for the Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention. Please use the link below to obtain a membership renewal application.
Your membership is valued, at any time of the year one can join by using the link below.